What a great time I had getting to know Whitney & Trevor. We traveled all through the
downtown area and hit up the urban architecture, as well as the rugged allies.
By the end of it, my hands were numb from the cold,
but how can I possibly complain when Whitney wore a dress!!
Whitney & Trevor:
Thanks for walking around with me on a freezing day, and being such good sports about it!
The images are well worth what we went through! :)
I am so excited about shooting your wedding in May.
Enjoy your sneak peek!!
*Remember, you can click on the images to see them larger*
downtown area and hit up the urban architecture, as well as the rugged allies.
By the end of it, my hands were numb from the cold,
but how can I possibly complain when Whitney wore a dress!!
Whitney & Trevor:
Thanks for walking around with me on a freezing day, and being such good sports about it!
The images are well worth what we went through! :)
I am so excited about shooting your wedding in May.
Enjoy your sneak peek!!
*Remember, you can click on the images to see them larger*
Whitney had the cutest shoes!

Some fun with texture!