Sunday, December 16, 2007

Abbi Update

So, I just wanted to update everyone on what's been going on in our life the past few weeks. We just finished celebrating Hanukkah. It was so fun!! Every night after our celebration, Abbi wanted to blow out the Hanukkah candles.
She enjoyed those 8 nights like it was a birthday party every night!
Abigail also just had her first dance recital today. It was so overwhelming...more for me than her. I mean overwhelming as in emotional. (I controlled myself) But I just couldn't believe how fast my little baby girl is growing up. She did so well. I was afraid she might get up there & have stage fright, but NO way...she was perfect!!
Here are some pics to enjoy as well!

The first two are from our Hanukkah celebration. Abbi got a children's digital camera as her big gift the last night. She is such a natural. I'm training her early! :)
The 3rd is dress up time. She loves make-up... what a girlie girl, and her Daddy got her a flapper dress with PINK sequins! You know she ate that up!
And the 4th Bryan took of us as we were leaving to run errands. It's a favorite of mine. We don't take pictures enough together, considering I'm usually behind the camera.

These are all pictures of her dance dress & recital! I am so proud of her! The last ones are not so great because I want to respect the privacy of the other parents/children. So, sorry it's a little blurry, but I really had to crop in.

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Amanda Stajcar's avatar

Amanda Stajcar · 855 weeks ago

Wow, what an amazingly beautiful person you are inside and out. Not that I didn't already realize just by hearing Abi talk about you, and, of course, in meeting you. I feel as though your blog gave me an intimate glimpse into your life (I would say soul, but that just sounds creepy). What a great Mom, wife, friend, and, of course, photographer!!

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