My "baby" girl turned 3 yesterday. The Big 3! She's losing her baby features, and looks more like a little person everyday. She uses the potty by herself, and wants to wear make up. She has a passion for dancing & singing. She boggles my mind with her conversations, and yet she's still and always will be, my "baby". We opened her gifts when she woke up, then we went to the theaters to see the new Veggie Tales movie, and had dinner with family. It was a nice intimate birthday celebration, and the big party will be next weekend. I just wanted to share this special time with all of those who check in. I am so honored to be the parent to such a wonderful, beautiful little girl. I am truly blessed!
Wanted to share a pic of gift opening time & her new doll house. Have a great week everyone!
Wanted to share a pic of gift opening time & her new doll house. Have a great week everyone!